Zeta Resources Limited is a closed-end Bermuda incorporated investment company

Zeta Resources Limited is a resource-focused investment holding and development company established in 2012, and is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Zeta has shareholders’ funds of approximately US$100 million, and it invests in listed and unlisted companies, with both minority and controlling shareholdings. Generally, Zeta is the largest shareholder in their investee companies, and frequently has board representation.

Zeta is managed by ICM Limited (“ICM”), a Bermuda-based global fund manager and corporate finance adviser which currently manages approximately US$1.9bn in funds directly and is responsible indirectly for a further US$24.5bn of assets held through subsidiary investments. ICM is a long-term investor that focuses on having a deep understanding of the business fundamentals of each investment, and its environment versus its economic value.

Zeta Energy Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore-based unlisted oil and gas investment company focused on the South-East Asian and Australasian regions. It was incorporated in 2014 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zeta Resources Limited.

Zeta's aim is to maximise total returns for shareholders by identifying and investing in assets and companies where the underlying value may not be reflected in the market price. This is achieved by assisting local management over the long term by focusing on capital growth, investee profitability and dividend yields. The company invests in a range of resources entities, including those focused on bauxite, gold, copper, nickel, graphite, oil & gas and base metals exploration and production.

The Directors are responsible for the determination of Zeta’s investment policy and have overall responsibility for Zeta’s day-to-day activities. Zeta has entered into an investment management agreement with ICM Limited, under which ICM provides investment management services including stock selection, portfolio monitoring and research to the Company.

ICM is an investment group built on a philosophy of value creation, vision and innovation. ICM continually looks for compelling investment opportunities, and it thrives on market imperfections based on years of experience in investments and investment processes. ICM actively engages with its investee companies on material Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) issues with the intention of creating a positive impact on its results and the groups ICM work with. Active monitoring of investee companies is an essential part of ICM’s responsible investment strategy. As sustainability is an important part of its investment philosophy, ESG factors are integrated into the investment processes.



ICM is a signatory to the UN-supported Principles of Responsible Investment (“PRI”), which encompasses a voluntary set of six principles to incorporate ESG into investment practice. 

Find out more about ICM's responsible investment approach here.